It's Blog, it's Blog, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood...spumco
Welcome True Believers to my first Blog. Be warned: To look upon these words, is to look upon the truth of one's soul. Or it may make you scratch your crotch. Ya know, whichever comes first.
For my first posting, I will recycle an email I sent yesterday to my friends:
You can label me a Leftist, Commie, Weirdo, Liberal but these are my opinions and I'm stickin' to 'em! -ct
Hmm. OK. So guns don't kill people, people kill people, right? Well, if Chai Vang had a bow or a regular rifle instead of a semi-automatic hunting rifle, there might be just one dead instead of 5. No matter whose version of the story is the truth, no one deserved to die that day. Guns and testosterone don't mix very well.
What going on in Texas!!?? Mothers are going crazy killing their kids in gruesome ways! No wonder Bush got re-elected. But, somehow this will get blamed on the "liberal elite."
So chronic back pain may shrink your brain, eh? Turns out all that stress if burning out nerves and synapses causing them to age up to 11% faster. I'm no scientist, but from that I'd have to conclude that happiness slows the aging process. And a study also found out that money does make people happier. So mo' money = IMMORTALITY! Yet another reason for me to 'jack P-Diddy.
Oh darn! The Toronto Argonauts won the 92nd Grey Cup Championship of the Canadian Football League by beating the British Columbia Lions 27-19. Hello? Anyone?
Oh, please tell me y'all been keeping up with Boondocks!
Dan Rather is retiring. And somewhere, someone gives a $#!+
Keep an eye on the Cassini-Huygens mission. If you check out Astronomy Picture of the Day, you probably noticed on November 24th the stunning yet puzzling pictures on Titan, arguably Saturn's most intriguing moon. The mission is composed of two elements: The Cassini orbiter that will orbit Saturn and its moons for four years, and the Huygens probe (probe release: 12/25/2004, 8pm CST) that will dive into the atmosphere of Titan (1/14/2005, 5am CST) and (hopefully) land on its surface. The reason I say hopefully is that some scientists believe that Titan has hydrocarbon bodies of liquid. So its possible Huygens will dive headlong into a lake of automobile gas!
Since everybody has an opinion on The Big Brawl , here's my take:
*After following his career, I have come to the conclusion that Ron Artest seriously needs psych meds, like a mood stabilizer. I'm not kidding. He should do it for his four kids. But from what I've heard, he's hopeless. As I was watching the replays, I turned to Nikki and said, "How does he know that he went after the right guy?" It turns out he didn't! Oy freakin' vey!
*The Pistons need to be fined or sued for lack of security. I mean, if my Mom was there (were you, Ma?) I would've been livid that more wasn't done to control the situation.
*Alvin Shackelford, who ran up on Artest on the court, got the blast to the mouth that he deserved. But I guarantee you he did that on purpose because he saw an opportunity for a lawsuit. Keep an eye out for that.